Remote Monitoring and Management

Remote Monitoring of Equipment and Batteries

Most equipment already has the capability of can be interfaced with the appropriate equipment to give it the capability to be remotely monitored and managed.  For critical systems which can affect a business’s productivity, it is not considered acceptable to find out about a problem only when there is a systems failure.  This will result in loss of productivity, which has a cost attached.  Such equipment does not only have to be computer servers, but other supporting equipment such as air conditioning equipment.  If cooling systems fails, no one may know until server rooms become hot or office space becomes uncomfortable to work in.  Fixing such problems can be very time consuming.

  AMBA Energy Limited can remotely monitor or allow customers to remotely monitor and manage their equipment from a central office.  Monitoring systems are automatic.  Whenever equipment are performing outside specified limits, alerts via SMS can be sent of as text to any telephone globally.  Customers can also receive e-mail alerts indicating what the developing problem is and can then remotely log into the equipment and run troubleshooting diagnostics to further analyse cause and determine fixes.  A crew would then be dispatched with the exact replacement component to affect the repair. Such systems allow for a small team of professionals to be able to support many pieces of equipment distributed throughout a network.  This saves cost and add resilience to the business operations.  Further to remotely monitoring and managing equipment, AMBA Energy Limited can create “geo fences” around equipment.  Geo fences refer to virtual geographic limits, therefore if your equipment is moved from its installed location beyond a certain distance, a remote signal is sent off to your phone or e-mail or monitoring station.  Your device can be tracked via Global Positioning Satellites and located if stolen.  This solution is very applicable for power generators, battery banks, and other equipment which are remotely deployed and are typically unmanned.  Such devices are stolen from time to time for reuse elsewhere or salvaging.  Your equipment can now be safely and quickly retrieved.

Below is a list of some of the monitoring services offered.

  1. Temperature & Humidity Monitoring
  2.  HVAC Failure, Control Monitoring
  3. HVAC Intelligent Lead/Lag Control
  4.  Commercial Power Monitoring
  5.  Generator & ATS Monitoring
  6.  UPS Monitoring
  7. DC Plant, Battery Distribution Fuse Board (BDFB), Inverter, Fuse Panel Monitoring
  8. Battery Cell & String Monitoring
  9. Power and battery capacity monitoring
  10. Electrical Distribution Panel Monitoring
  11. Fire Management System/Smoke Monitoring
  12. Toxic and Explosive Gas Monitoring
  13. Door Access Control and Intrusion Monitoring
  14. Tower Light Monitoring
  15. Main door access control
  16. Telephony equipment monitoring
  17. Environmental monitoring
  18. Variable speed heat exchanger control
  19. SNMP protocol to help devices interact efficiently
  20. Hardware designed to perform in critical environments
  21. Easy-to-install controls with intuitive monitoring and programming interface.
  22. Energy audits of your facility by trained personnel who make recommendations for lighting  improvements, controls and other building-related modifications.
  23. Utilities negotiations for the best rates and demand-response programs.
  24. Assist in meeting requirements to earn maxim mum credits for various sustainability programs.
  25. Regular review of building performance to determine areas of peak performance and areas where savings can be maximized.
  26. Performance tracking and reports on exceptions, compliance and successes with your building equipment.
  27. Intelligent dispatch to minimize repeat visits and ensure quick responses when you need assistance.
  28. Trend of service calls, frequency of equipment maintenance & performance reports.
  29. Demand Control Lighting (Link-to-Lighting) hardware that reduces electrical consumption without an impact on the building environment.
  30. Automated adjustments to minimize consumption based on electrical demand (Link-to-Energy Management).
  31. Sensors for providing feedback on virtually any point in your building.
  32. Sophisticated alarming with dispatch to the appropriate responsible party
  33. Intuitive interface that is accessible from any Internet-accessible location.
  34. 24/7monitoring of alarms and equipment for peak performance assurance and maximized savings.
  35. Low-cost installation.


Remote Battery Monitoring

Batteries are for most cases the preferred choice for energy storage and supply when primary power is no longer available.  However batteries are sensitive to environmental conditions such as temperature, electrical/chemical conditions, and charge and discharge rates. A battery’s performance deteriorates by a factor for every degree increase in temperatures above 20°C.  Measuring voltage is not an indicator of the status or health of a battery.  In many cases one finds out that a battery is faulty only when there is a demand for power from the battery bank, but it is too late at this stage.  If the battery has failed, there will be no power. If the battery is failing there will be inadequate power.  This will result in equipment such as UPS and other power supply systems shutting down.

Battery failure is very unpredictable without the proper understanding of battery operations and the use of appropriate equipment. For a telecommunications carrier with several hundred or thousands of remote equipment sites, having a battery failure will result in loss of service and revenue and is costly. This can only be resolved by a crew visiting the site to replace the battery.  Two site visits are required.  The first visit is to troubleshoot the problem and the second visit is to locate a spare battery at the service centre for replacement.  If your network consists of 500 sites which experience a 5% battery failure rate, this is 25 failures or 50 site visits for batteries only.  This is costly from a maintenance perspective and even more costly from a loss of service revenue perspective. 

 AMBA Energy Limited can monitor the health of a string of batteries on site or remotely in real time from a central office.  This is all done automatically through the use of special equipment designed for this purpose. Data is logged on each individual battery and stored on a database for trend analysis.  This allows us to proactively predict battery failures.  We can therefore identify batteries which are failing before an actual complete failure occurs.  The battery would be replaced before a demand for power is reached, thus guaranteeing battery power availability when needed, and the resultant network service continuance.  AMBA Energy Limited has partnered with the leading technology suppliers for battery monitoring and makes this technology transparent and affordable to clients.